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Inspiration .

So .. blogging now because vanessa's blog gave me inspiration to blog even though im supposed to be sleeping now because of chinese supp tomorrow . so yeah , support her first blog post by reading ? :)

been going to sentosa these past two days , one is after training at CCAB yesterday , another is today's outing at pool and sentosa . so yeah . went out with Esmin, Vernice , Meixin and Avery today ! :) have to say they are fcuking fugging fun to be with .

People . learn the arts of staring into midair , i swear its not boring . Staring into midair without thinking about anything is just .. super .. boring  relaxing . especially at the beach , at night , staring at the waves sitting super close to it , hearing the wave sounds . And running away when the waves are about to reach you . Sitting close with your friends and having talks and gossips while warying about the waves that are about to engulf you any moment , building barriers to stop the waves from reaching you but in vain.

and yeah , unable to get my forward helix because xcraft said they will pierce it not straight . So... yeah hope im gonna pierce it soon with freda when school reopens , and pray hard that we wont get caught and asked to remove it .

then theres prom night too . and yeah , we have weird themes this year , BUT AT LEAST ITS AT A HOTEL , we were expecting a community centre . so yeah ... we are damn fucking  fugging glad please .
searched the word prom night on google and they gave me this photo . Seems scary and interesting , gonna watch it soon on funshion ! But yeah , prom night ofcourse isnt a night to die for , for us ordinary people . HAHA.

so .... wanted to have a proper post today because i was inspired , so ... 3 photos for today ? Next post will just be a spam of pictures , sorry people for being unable to give you all a proper nice blog to read . But yeah . dont judge ? Some people never know how much efforts some people put in to blog , like how i spent half an hour on this simple little post . So yeah , Bye ! 

its 12:36am right now , off to sleep ! :)

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