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Everywhere's aching ! :/ ♥ Day 16 ♥ A girl friend whom you really cherished.

can ur see sonia !! aww shes looking at me :P chey !
*covers forehead as its too big* LOL . vanessa is like koping my chips im holding in the first two pictures then she after makan alr then smile for me with the gek sai bin :x
Ruijia and Rannie singing out loud :D ~!
dont mind my cui face ah ! :D
vanessa's making me laugh with her jiaobin till i tried to stop laughing , thus resulting in this photo ><
i love my girlfriends (:
okay seriously my hair got colour one okay ! ><
awwwww :P
i love this girl in that photo on top lots (:


Wednesday - machiam like torture ! makan cupnoodles before i go to gym/training , and i jitao vomit everything out D: ! whole face like pale and like white only , like ghost . thanks to those who cared and help me yeah ? :D ~

Thursday - Friendly with Yuying sec (: ~



Day 16 A girl friend whom you really cherished.

Not a girl friend . i cherish all my girlfriends :D . my teammates , my classmates , those that are there for me whenever i need them , and those who know i will be there for them when i need them . Those that encourage me to study , encourage me and tell me that i wont retain , help me regardless how difficult it is to teach me , stays back to teach me math ( AWWWWW) , and in class teach me things . teammies who are there for me whenever i need them , waiting for me after school , going crazy together ragardless of the stares we are receiving , and standing up for each other whenever there are troubles and problems . Feeling sad when there are arguements , emoing when someone is in trouble , and using our brains to help each other . Loveyouall (:

volleyball's my life , those people up there in that photo are my life too (:

Blasting music in my ears seriously makes me forget things and makes me a happygirl96 (: .

Holiday ~! ♥ Day 15 ♥ A guy friend you really cherished.

photo above ~ rannie's idea on making spongebob and patrick :D ~ with our wellwishes stuck behind the spongebob and patrick (: ~ coaches touched ?! :D ,
-HYVB B'GIRLS'11- :D , our so called 'first' official photo tgt ~


thighs hurts . think everyone of us up there in that photo, your thighs hurts too ? :x UNLESS U SUPERWOMAN LAHHH ? >< ~
okay endofstory ~


Day 15 A guy friend you really cherished.

no particular guy friend ! if that guy is a true friend , then i will cherish him .