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BBQ with primary school mates :D

Went to palm garden to BBQ with primary school mates :)

Yongyi, xuemin , yujuan , jasmine , Vanessa , dion , junbin , Abel , Donavan , willy , boonyee , and me :D hope I didn't miss anyone out ?

Went to palm gardens , tried to break the ice , kartrider-Ed , tried to start the fire but failed ><

Pooled with Abel , then everyone suddenly came o.o ! :D

Rained , after rain , lot1 , arcade , LJS , homed :) ~

Sorry for shit and short post since I using phone post ! Like lazy ah ! Byes :)

Day 8 ♥ Most important people in your life.

i cut my fringe eh , OBVIOUS ANOT ? and i cut behind also , at the hairdresser , lazy cut myself x.x !
OK THIS IS UNGLAM , MY BRO TOOK IT , and i look like a monster , with de fat cheeks and my geek specs x.x and ugly hair !
My blog only have 54 posts ! -.- , LIKE A PATHETIC RIGHT . i want to have thousands of blogposts (: !

YTD was national day , andandandandand .... !
I WENT TO A DIMSUM BUFFET , the service was like @#$% ! even my mum said she dw go there anymore :x , OPPS :P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and idk why , seriously machiam moodswing jialat ytd , till i couldnt sleep thinking about everything thats happening in my life right now , like SAVE ME ): i need someone to share my troubles with , without that person judging me from what i tell him/her .. Not possible to find though.


Day 8 Most important people in your life.

Most important people ? i thought its like , normal to know who is it ?canna , My teammates , RuiJia , Rannie, Beini , JingYee, Vanessa , SzeMin , still got my classmates , Raina , Phyucyn , last year's classmates , XinYi , Sedrean , Joel lai , my family ,my cousin !and manymany more , wonder whom i missed out O.O ! yeah , these people are the causes of my smiles , my laughter , my cheerfulness , my hyperness , and also , my sadness . and also people who are always with me and listen to me , whom im sure will be there for me when im crying , be there for me when im sad , and be there for me to share my happiness with ! Without them , i think i wont be who i am right now , although my life still has its ups and downs , but these people will be there for me when i need them , and im sure they know i will be with them , when they need me (: ,

Day 7 ♥ Most important activity of your life.

today morning's like a joke ! Raina tried finding her plastic bag till we almost late for school , each person taking turns to hold her cheesecake and tie hair , LOL like in a rush only lorhs ! >< ~
was in class waiting for szemin to end her lesson :/
Vaney and Canna started wrestling each other , I GOT A VIDEO BUT ,, LOL ~ abit unglam urhs :x shall not post :D
Canna , Rannie , Beini , RuiJia , Vanessa , SzeMin
after school , HYPERED LIKE HELL , sang national day songs out loud , abit xiasuay , but who cares , its FUN :D
bus-ed down to westmall ~! been long since i last went to west mall , last time i went was like .... IN MAY ? :D
went to eat frolicks ! :D , freaking nice topping omg (: !

vanessa must ' qiao jiao' and eat one , LOL ! see she copy me buy same as me ! :P CHEY JOKING !sorry for the turn-ed photo LOL , yeah 'group photo' w/o canna and vanessa is behind !
Vanessa's crazy again :D
Westmall , met Jingyee :D , bought tickets for Captain America , and went to koufu to eat :D

walked around till 4 plus , watched movie , THE ENDING IS LIKE A SHIT , , but in between the movie is like a nice ! :D i like (: ~ ( watched with Beini , JingYee , Rannie , Szemin )
sorry for the inverted photo ! :/ I RECOMMEND THIS SHOW (:


Day 7 Most important activity of your life.

Most important activity ? Very obvious is volleyball ! :D Recess time also play , volleyball like 3 days a week (: ~ Without volleyball , imagine me as a fat obese lady nerd ugly bitch LOL , then plus helps to improve stamina and all those , gain muscles instead of fats also :D pass time also ~ and get to be close with friends (: !~ SUPER LOVE VOLLEYBALL OKAY ! :X , okayokay byebyebye :x post is getting long :D