skinny bitch .

So yeah , 2-1 today against St Hildas , and we won ! (:
Happy to the extent that we ran up and start hugging the team . HAHA .
bbt - kfced - homed .
like a omg at kfc there LOL . first we had insider jokes , then we talked about later ppl misunderstand me as .. ERHMMMM , HAHA . which obviously im not . then we talk about our childhoood thing. We were being freaking inconsiderate as we were laughing our shit out at the kfc when its at the dinner timing . HAHA . hogging seats :P ,
So yeah, Jiayous team ! ♥ , we can make it . Confidence is all we need ♥
and yeah i got my new specs already after i lost my previous one . #SADCASE ! tsk . but who cares , i got my new specs !
and yeah there was this girl at pres high who swing the toilet door hardly on my face . like a owww only . for a moment i forgot who i was . HAHA . CHEY JOKING :P ,
-.- , annoying .