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Whats been happening these few days ? I mean weeks . Yeah , Singapore's damn fucking fugging hot. Like ..WHAT ?! So when it started raining , the responses were like as though Singapore's snowing ! (Y) , see the importance of the rain now ? HAHA .

actually one day i feel like just sitting in the rain , on the beach , facing the sea , and just stare into midair. 

so its actually the weekends now . And yeah confirm plus chop , time will pass so quickly.

HAHA , who are the people who are like the photo below ?

oh yeah, Juniors won the match against Jurong Yesterday . #prideofHuaYi !
Next match is against Shuqun , hope you all can do it ! :) WOOSH , i have confidence in you all !
Like so cool , i love diving and setting , even though sometimes diving hurts , but then , only volleyballers know the feeling of diving and being able to save the ball feels /

oh and people , stop asking why i choose HuaYi when i live so far ! I last time live at cck , but i moved to TiongBarhu after selling my condo at ChoaChuKang , and im currently staying at my grandma's house right now . Recently bought a new house which will only construct finish in 2014 , at CCK , so yeah . Dont ask anymore :) !

TIME NOW , 3;48pm
its time to go do my math homework now .

School ! :(

so .. school reopened already . and since i said i will do a blogpost yesterday night , and i forgot , so yeah here it is !

remember the time when we were in primary school and we relied on school buses ? ( for some of us ) Then now ? MRTS and buses , we have to rely on ourselves to go school , no maids no mothers bringing you to school , carry for you schoolbag . Talking about schoolbag , have your heard about the army man making his maid carry his haversack ? Opps no side tracking !

Im so not ready for school please , so whos with me ? Lets petition for prolonging the holidays ? Impossible dream ! Homeworks half done , this is so not happening please , who else prayed like me , to have their homeworks done magically by themselves in a night ? HAHA .

stationeriesSTATIONARIES , ive lost like half of the stationaries in my pencil box . When i go school , confirm need to go around ' EH GOT PENCIL LEND ME ? EH CAN LEND ME CALCULATOR? ' pity vivian who sits behind me because yeah , once i went to school , i straight away kop her plain water :$ !

At least we get to meet our friends , arent they part of the reasons you come to school , waking up and having the motivation to go to school just so you can see them after a long holiday ? Time flies so quickly , and the holiday's over . It just seems like a week ago since i had my holiday. This is one of the holidays when i fully feel like .. i want longer holidays . Usually i will get too bored at home and i will just feel like going to school. Im a girl that doesnt like to stay at home , likes to roam around be it slacking or anything . I just dont like staying at home , only till now then i feel like staying at home.

Okay ... abrupt ending ? BYE.

2:50PM NOW ,
its dnt right now , and im just so bored . How ? Lucky im in a com lab when i have the feel to blog.