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Day 2 ♥ Something you really wish for.

went to pray in the morning >> parents teacher meeting of my brother at pioneer JC >> Jp , ate ajisen , >> homed (:

Day 2 Something you really wish for.

i really wish that , i am clever , i know passing results is need to study hard one . Thats why , i wish i am less lazy . but thats not something to wish for . I wish that , my worries can just disappear . Many worries i have , who to share with ? Who to share with people that will really understand and listen to me ? I wish that i arent that useless in people's eyes . And i wish that , things are like before . Although i like it now , i dont know whats missing . I feel different from last time , and i dont like that feeling . And , i just wish that people really wont die . When i was im primary school , and i found out sooner or later , people will die , i cried so much . I wont want my love ones to die , my grandma , my parents , my uncle , my brother ..

Kay BYES (:

Day 1 ♥ Something you have done and regretted it.

Photos first , details later (:

We all will miss MR GOH , please come back to teach us soon ? ;D

I made clay things :D
Sports day , Canna choo , Rannie Low (:
Vanessa Tan ,
Pepper lunch ! :D


YTD was tired max ,

Sports day in the morning , training in the afternoon , tuition at night , dinner-ed , homed at 11 :( , AND when i woke up this morning for school , i swear , machiam like zombie like tht ): .

lets go on with .. Day 1 Something you have done and regretted it.


I regretted , not studying hard every starting of the year till i failed my MYE . Just because i think i can study harder at the next half of the year , i can do it . But , i guess this year is going to be real hard for me . I regret not being able to cherish people whom ive treasured alot , such as my very good friends , whom are still my good friends now (: , i remembered how i always abandon them for erm , to make it short , boyfriend(s) . And thats something i regret alot . Because i have the thinking that , friends will always be friends , best friends , will always be best friends , in the end , i distant away from them , and that hurt alot , for a period of time . But im satisfied with my life right now , with them always by my side ♥ . i also regret alot of things , such as crying for useless guys , and hurting myself , such as punching the wall to vent my anger . It isnt really worth it. I just hope that mistakes that i make , i wont repeat it in the future . i (L) you my friends (: .

20Days which i will 'confess'

Day 1 Something you have done and regretted it.
Day 2 Something you really wish for.
Day 3 Something you want to have.
Day 4 Someone you hate alot.
Day 5 Someone you can never forget.
Day 6 Someone whom you want to treat as a passer-by in your life.
Day 7 Most important activity of your life.
Day 8 Most important people in your life.
Day 9 Most disgusted at that particular person.
Day 10 Most sad moment of your life.
Day 11 Most happiest moment of your life.
Day 12 Somewhere you wish to really go.
Day 13 Someone you wish to really meet.
Day 14 Someone whom you regret hurting.
Day 15 A guy friend you really cherished.
Day 16 A girl friend whom you really cherished.
Day 17 Most hated thing on Earth.
Day 18 A moment which you missed the most.
Day 19 What moment of your life do you want to go back in.
Day 20 Your current love one.

( Will only do it when i am bored (: ) and people , your can do this too , if your are bored :D


Hope i will stay erm , hardworking ? I really need to pass my EOY . i NEED TO PASS MY EOY .
Learn to look at things in a different way bahh !~
OPPS your wont understand what i mean x.x
And seriously , disheartened at how i failed my EMATH . and just passed my SS .


Please leave my life right now . I dont want you in my life,