However , without my teammates , i doubt i will be able to hang on that far . The sec 4's and Rebecca are stepping down this week wednesday , and those are the people which placed a large impact on my life and in my heart . Without them maybe i wont even be the cheerful girl i am in school at all . Without them i doubt i will be able to know what's call teamwork , and i thank them for everything they have given me , be it friendship , arguements , happiness , smiles , laughters , or maybe even sorrows . They bring me though the journey of life , and experiencing the life of a normal teenager , not caring people who despise us because of our loud voices , not caring about people who thinks that volleyball is easy and that we have no talents in anything , people who thinks that volleyball is a waste of time and we are wasting our precious time . Hello , volleyball is somehow our life , although some of us doesnt want to join volleyball anymore when we go to JC/POLY , but at least this is called ' gaining some experience ' .
So yeah its gonna be mid year very soon and im not prepared YET . its time to buck up ! I shall do my DNT folio tomorrow when i have decided to wake up :D ! And yeah im like fucking addicted to playing the chubby bunny after the first attempt with Raina HAHA . I keep asking people to play chubby bunny with me ! ;$ -LIKEASHYONLY- HAHA because i feel like a retard asking people to play it with me ! :D HAHA WHATEVER BYEBYE ! :D
and yeah a photo of our sec 1/2 west zone cgirls ? HAHA DONT GET A SHOCK PLEASE .

TADAHHHHHH ! Some of them isnt in volleyball anymore but , HAHA JUST a photo to show your ! :D , look at our nerd style ? -LIKEASHY- HAHA . BYE !