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Boring Day ! , wishlist (: !

I miss that damn girl on top ! Look at her watch , seriously couple uhh :$ !

Damn boring day at home ?! 3 posts in one day :P opps maybe im too bored ! Well , its school holidays , and after getting back my results , my mum didnt scold me , but even encouraged me to study harder ! (: well , so im going to tuition soon ! maybe at my love one's tuition ? (The crazy one on top) . SORRY FOR LOSING THE PAPER LOLS :X ,

Wish to
♥Pass my EOY
♥Volleyball improvement
♥Go out with friends more
♥Life wont be so boring

well , post more tomorrow :D ! BYES ! (:

Advertising of phone :P

seriously love this photo , jitao like advertising for phone LOL !


OKAYS FIRST TIME USING BLOGGER DE THING , and im failing ! :/ , raina ahh raina , faster get ur hot pink extensions and come help me edit ! :D i know you are kind yeahh ? :x , BLOGGER FAIL = ME !

kay sometimes people should learn how to be more mature instead ? D: , like a seriously .