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Memories'Photos ; Day 6 ♥ Someone whom you want to treat as a passer-by in your life.

ima miss my hair last time ):
Ipod touch problem tio hang there for 5 mins ! D:


dearest brother just bought Samsung Galaxy S II , and im freaking i mean it , JEALOUS ! :/


Day 6 Someone whom you want to treat as a passer-by in your life.

I want to treat erm , actually , i dont want treat anyone as a passer-by in my life :/ OK nowadays my this post abit crap and out of POINT LO L! kay but seriously i dont want treat anyone as passe-by in my life whom i know de , BECAUSE IM FRIENDLY OKAY ! :X , okokok >< ~ IM FRIENDLY ! :D , okay lah my next post will be more exciting okay ? :x ~


I miss the days of those when all of us will go hyper over minor things for a long period of time , (:


Tomorrow's tuition , after tuition , GONNA S TUDY ! :D ima goodgirl96 (: ~

Day 5 ♥ Someone you can never forget.

Shall use old photos since i didnt take photos today ! (:

Todays a badbadbadbad tiring day ~

Napfa in the afternoon . Stitch halfway , leg cramp halfway , muscle ache . TOTAL FAILURE .
deproved by 0.28s :/ ~ got 1128 D: , like a sad ~~~~~!

BBT , Homed (:


Day 5 Someone you can never forget.

Someone i can never forget ? Or maybe people i can never forget . My friends now , Rannie , SzeMin , Vanessa , Canna , Raina , JingYee , Beini , RuiJia , and ~~~~~~
Things that ive gone through with these people , makes me difficult to forget them . Unless i get what anemia or what ?!?!?! LOL . Then maybe will forget them . I wont forget my parents too :P , my grandma (: , my brother ! :D actually my life is quite good now , dk why i still find my life missing of something ~ like life's become boring at times ~~~! Opss kays byes (:


i miss you , serious . And im not lying about it .

Day 4 ♥ Someone you hate alot.

Camwhore with phyucyn (: !

rare photo with Cynthia ! :D

school >> emath test on graph >> papper lunch >> homed (:


Day 4 Someone you hate alot.

Actually i did hate someone alotalotalot , But then i think , ive learnt to think in a positive way . its better to have a friend then an enemy . I shouldnt really care on how that person says me , or whats that person the personality . Peace is the best thing ! :D ~ Ive learnt to only DISLIKE , not HATE (: ! ~ So , if you know you are that person , just know that i dont hate you anymore , but then , im sorry if i dislike you or something , i just cant help it ! :/ ~
( Ang Jing Yee , im trying to peace with that person alr okay ! LOL , but abit like a xinku ahhh ! >< )

Message to my Father , Day 3 ♥ Something you want to have.

Wordy post ! :/

That girl in the photo , rannie low , please get well soon ? It just feels worrying that you are sick !

Sunday : Tuition in the morning >> Lunch with Yingbei >> Tuition again >> study session with Joel , Sedrean , Szemin , XinYi (: >> celebrate father's birthday at a buffet restaurant >> Homed ! (:


Monday : Training >> BBT >> Homed :x


Happy birthday my dearest father . Looking at you wishing while we were singing for you the birthday song , jiu know that , you really have alot of wishes , such as me and my brother passing , having good results , less quarrels in the family etc . And im sorry for being such a bad daughter who keep shouting and retorting back , who always stay out late , who always is the cause of the trouble and quarrels . When i was small , i always had insomnia and cried , going to your room and tugging ur shirt saying that i cant sleep . Know the reason why ? I always think so much , dream so much , that you will be gone one day . You took care of me these whole years , and i did nothing for you . All you have , is our interest at heart . I love You , although i know you wont see this , Take care of your health . Will wish for your good health (:

Day 3 Something you want to have.

I want to have a happy family for always , happy friends , people whom i cherish to have lesser troubles . I just want them to be happy ! I want to have good results , a complete united team , and a happy ending . I want alot of things , difficult to name them out . Sorry .