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I'm fucking unfilial. It's like , sometimes my father knows I'm hungry , he will give me his food even though he doesnt have enough. He will buy for me junk food like potato chips because he know what are my favorites, and get scolded by my mum later on. He keep asking me to have dinner with him and my mum, because it's been a Lon time since I eat with them , but all I give them are disappointments. Whatever I want , he will Try to get it for me .. Fetching me to the mrt every morning , despite being tired out from work.. And all your asking for is just a pass , so that I can continue my studies. But even that, I'm unable to give you. It's all my laziness, my stubbornness , my playfulness, my lies, that makes me guilty , makes me feel like I'm not filial. I love you , but tell me , how to stop all these im doing in just a day? I'm sorry.. I will try.


So , its officially HOLIDAYS for us . yes . for us . the sec 4's . due to extra lessons for the two weeks . Now we are just left fugging 2 weeks of holidays left . DAFUG . and manymany homeworks WHICH WE HAVE TO PRINT FROM LMS ourselves . like . the shit ? Want us to print things to torture ourselves ? HAHA . biggest joke (Y) . And theres volleyball too ! O.O , but who cares , i love it ! ^.^

So i signed a contract with Mr Ng, and if i didnt meet the terms , i have to fucking quit volleyball . I think by then , i'd like .. FRAAARK?! Shall study hard .. Sigh . fucking tired of studying , wait . WHO ISNT TIRED OF STUDYING .

Theres this news about this guy called Alex Ong ? He kinda pushed an old lady down the bus . Like , IMAGINE , IF THATS YOUR MOTHER ? Imagine , if someone does that to you  ? Imagine , if someone disrespects you this way . How will you feel ? That old lady is even kind enough to drop charges against you  even though theres evidence . Just because you just bring out some story about your whole life being abused , doesnt mean that you can escape from all the punishments in life , all the things that you do , can be excused ? In this society , who the fug doesnt respect old people ? Who doesnt give seats to old people on public transports ? There isnt suppose to be special treatment for you . Reflect ? tsk .

 holidays making me broke :(



So yeah, met Jamie at 1130 , wondering how I woke !

Longjohnsilvers , then off to Bugis! Halfway through the trip , a bee came In , diedieedieeeeee must find our seat here and not other place . So we like ahhai stand up throughout the trip! We went to have hair extensions *winks* ! Shopped around , koi , and taxi to 660! Met up with the others then off to Mac for dinner . Back to 660 again , basketball , volleyball , poker , homes . Kinda boring post but sorry la :( !

I never knew . How important you were to me .