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Judgemental Society

I admit , this is a judgemental society , back to the topic which me and Chermine always talk about , This IS a judgemental society . I admit ,people judge , its in our nature . We all are being judged by what we wear . When we wear too less , we are called sluts , wear too much , we are called old fashioned . Wear too plain , we have no creativity , wear too complicated , we are called crazy and weird . Whatever we say , or whatever we do in the past , we are always being judged . And the worst thing is , being judged by a stranger or someone you dont even know well . Sometimes people have to walk into other people's shoes and understand what made them like that . Like how bitches were created from bastards . And bastards were created from bitches . And the cycle continues , never ending . Being too fat , we get jeered at for being fat . Trying to slim down , ALSO being jeered at . Thats how the society works , and how people have to continue life with these judgemental remarks made by people . This post is just to tell people ' BE WHO YOU ARE ' , just do whatever you want , who cares if people irks you or something . True friends will stay by you be it whatever you do . Even if youve done the most disgusting thing , like farting or something , you will just laugh it off and get beaten at jokingly . So , the only way to not get affected by judgemental people , is to understand this judgemental society .


So during the LONGLONGLONGGG short holiday , i went to stay for a night at festive hotel with my family , and yeah overall, that hotel was kinda awesome because its kinda cosy ! :)
 At first i was thinking what's festive hotel , and that it sounded kinda .... festive , but it was awesome !
and the best thing is .... Everything's FREEEE . Carparkings and the hotel room . Special thanks to my
Uncle ! :)

 the awesome escalator that made me feel like im a pokemon trainer going to my pokemon league because there was the kanchiong music and the ''fire'' kinda thingy !
The pooool ! :) *Credits to google*

My room , it looks kinda dull i guess , ima lousy photographer ! :( but heyyyy there was this big tv which has the HTMI for me to watch my movies from my laptop connected to the TV ! :)

The mirror in the toilet ! :) , ! ~
So yeah after putting our things down , we headed to the beach , which we left half an hour later because my mum couldnt take it anymore . #lesigh But yeah finally a family photo with at least a nice background . LOOK AT THE EXTRAS AT THE SIDE OF THE PICTURE . HEEEEHS .
so we went back to Vivo to eat swensens , i ate fish and chips , and even though the swensens there is more expensive , but theres the free salad buffet bar ! Healthier choice ! and YKNW WHAT ?! the fish and chips photo isnt original . Because i already cut it in half and i figured out i havent taken a photo . Please call me a genius for making it look like brand new (even the lemon's been squeezed)
 There ! thats the original fish and chips , and i guess mine looks NICER *credits to Google*

heres the salad bar ! SEE HOW TEMPTING IT IS ?! *drools*

after eating went home and watched mission impossible with my parents in my hotel room's tv !
(my second time watching it)
and i still find it AWESOME !
then i proceeded with mahjonging and we slept at 4am in the morning ! :)
and in the morning i went to eat claypot rice ! Photo in my instagram ! :) , we proceeded home then headed out shortly to the zoo because i keep pestering my parents and that they can enter free because its their birthday month ! 

So we asked a random person queueing to buy a ticket for only me , 

AND IT RAINED HALFWAY THROUGH THE SHOW WE WERE WATCHING ! #lesigh , but we still get to walk around later when it stopped raining !
and my father was so sweeet , we went back home then he went out shortly without my mother's knowledge to buy a birthday cake even though my mum keep insisting she dont want any cake because it means shes growing older !

kayyyyyyyyyy........ offtopic because idk what to say anymore but ,
AMATH EXAM was horrible for me . and we were only tested 11 topics . Imagine we took the express paper and were tested 22 topics , how we handle ? Emath was okay , guess i could pass , but not good marks . disappointed in myself .


TOMORROW'S my bro birthday , the year seem to pass so quickly , it seemed so recent that it was my brother's birthday .

i believe in miracles , but i dont believe in gaining things without hardwork , because ive been through it all . But im still relying on miracles to help me .