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Judgemental Society

I admit , this is a judgemental society , back to the topic which me and Chermine always talk about , This IS a judgemental society . I admit ,people judge , its in our nature . We all are being judged by what we wear . When we wear too less , we are called sluts , wear too much , we are called old fashioned . Wear too plain , we have no creativity , wear too complicated , we are called crazy and weird . Whatever we say , or whatever we do in the past , we are always being judged . And the worst thing is , being judged by a stranger or someone you dont even know well . Sometimes people have to walk into other people's shoes and understand what made them like that . Like how bitches were created from bastards . And bastards were created from bitches . And the cycle continues , never ending . Being too fat , we get jeered at for being fat . Trying to slim down , ALSO being jeered at . Thats how the society works , and how people have to continue life with these judgemental remarks made by people . This post is just to tell people ' BE WHO YOU ARE ' , just do whatever you want , who cares if people irks you or something . True friends will stay by you be it whatever you do . Even if youve done the most disgusting thing , like farting or something , you will just laugh it off and get beaten at jokingly . So , the only way to not get affected by judgemental people , is to understand this judgemental society .

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