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Im so tired out .Day 13 ♥ Someone you wish to really meet.

im just a girl , i dont have super powers , i cant do anything , in fact , im just helpless . Fake smiles , fake laughter , its just part of life .

Today ! :D , hmmmm, machiam half dead as my eye hurts alot because of something tht makes the right eye swollen . OKAY SORRY RAINA AND THE PEOPLE WHOM I KEEP NAGGING AT ABOUT IT :X


Thanks Jingyee for staying back and teaching me maths yeah (: ~ And sorry for my so nice behaviour , well , i do math jiu shi like that one mah :x , abit sot when i do too much math :P , sorry (: !
and thanks Raina for asking about me (: ~ thanks lots :D


Day 13 Someone you wish to really meet.

This one ah . like a obvious only . i really want to meet Gdragon :x opps ! like , go out with him for a day , or even communicate with him also can ! HE KNOWS ENGLISH OKAY ! was super disappointed when i couldnt go big bang's concert because of my failed MYE . but then , hope they come to singapore again ! :D , *Prays* !

i am so tired out . i really need a rest , a break about everything . Maybe its because i think too much in my mind , thus causing these unhappiness . But , how to stop thinking ? Can someone feed me a drug to just fall asleep . and when i wake up , everything's forgotten .

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