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Happy Birthday korkor ♥

You are like 2 years older then me . Thanks for being the closest to me , someone whom i know that will be there for me whenever i argue with mummy or papa , or mama or blablabla ~ Thanks for teaching me things when i dont know how to do , for example emath . AWW U NO AMATH :X , and thanks for keep saying me short ahh ! LOL , make me have the drive to drink more milk to grow taller :P ~ thanks for saying me fat and ugly ah ! make me have the drive to slim down , to jianfei :x ~ seriously , thanks for everything youve done for me . i cant imagine the day when one day we will grow up into adults , and rarely talk to each other anymore . i still remember up till now , when u or me got bad results , we will tell each other and ask when should we tell mummy or papa :x . remember when u got exams and never tell them ? like a funny only :D ~ i dont want that day when we grow up , and cant be as close as now , telling each other things , remember i once told u about me having a boyfriend ! LIKE WOW RIGHT ! LOL . imagine ah , that we just meetup once or twice every year . know how sad that will become ? Love you ♥ And lastly , happy birthday (:

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