So yeah , i have 4 movies i wanna watch , but i have no one to catch it with me .. especially ...

Yeah Titanic is touching , wont it be weird watching it with friends since its a romance movie ? HAHA . But bobian ah , #foreveralone . So which happy friend wanna catch Titanic 3D with me ! :D
Secondly . i wanna watch That one ! YES . THAT ONE ON THE TOP OF THIS . Wrath of the titans .Everyone say nice ah . plus its trending on twitter . There were tweets like

' Wrath of the Titans 3D was sooooo good! '
'Wrath of the Titans was definitely better than Clash of the Titans.'
So yeah , im so gonna watch it please ! :D

So yeah so photo quotes which i got from the internet .


ever had that time which you type out one whole message , but not daring to send it out because you are scared that you will get humiliated or something ? This is an act of something called ' no courage ' , but thats something i have too , i have no courage at all to send out that super long message which i typed out , intending to send it to you , but ended up having no balls and deleting everything away .
People keep telling me to forget the past , but if you forget the past , how do you look into the future and make sure you wont make the same mistakes again ?

Be optimistic that things arent getting worse for you . there are many people out there in a worser state then you , people who have to worry about whether they have money for their next meal , or whether they will have enough nutrition intake . so , be happy that you at least have a life right now .
JUST JOKING ABOUT THE NO PICTURES OF ME AGAIN HAHA . ok a photo of me last year i guess ? with only one cute lil piercing ! awwwww :P

JUST JOKING ABOUT THE NO PICTURES OF ME AGAIN HAHA . ok a photo of me last year i guess ? with only one cute lil piercing ! awwwww :P

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