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Valentine's ♥ Matches

HEHE big nostrils and im lovin it so dont judge :D
Roses for you ? My photography sux i know x.x
I guess my darkcircles are really overboard . tsk !
I love my team seriously ! Clowning around while waiting for coach to come back from VS(?) Match .
Valentine's day with Vivian , Cheryl ( and her love one :D ) , Joyce , Vivian's sist , and Jia ! :D
TAUPOK ! :D look at me at the top omg number 11 ! and yeah i look like a big fat bull that is squashing them ! look at becca's face ! HAHA ! and sorrys jennifer for squashing u too hard ! We wont taupok u anymore !
HAHA we were using paranomal 360 camera , kinda failed because we didnt get to take Beini and XinYi !

I love red jersey yo ! ♥ Pretty girls ! I feel inferior taking photos with pretty girls but who cares ! ♥ HAHA !


Hokay ! ♥ finally got da mood to post using my lappy ! hehes ! Matches all the way ! YAY ! Jurong next . Jiayous zai jiayous ! :D
Pepperlunched with ( yeah look at the top photos for info ) Today ! (: and yeah went to shit :P AS USUAL OKAY ! then went to find jia ! ♥
We kinda went shopping in our uniform hehees :P , for some reasons yo ! :D and yeah i found a super freaking prettehh greeeen backpack which im so freaking gonna buy hokay ?! Jia's gonna accompany to buy ! LIKE A YAY !

And yeah people im having the mood to upload properly now so be happy kay ! :D


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