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End of 2012 dedications

Hi . This post shall sum up about 2012 , and how glad that some people came into my life , while some never left .
2012 was a different year for me , not to say , a rough one , but I'm glad that there's this year . As I didn't study hard , and cherish what I had , I dropped to EN . I was quite devastated because it just means that I would not be able to graduate after sec 4 . I came into this class all feeling all foreign . Maybe I was too immature , too childish , and I took quite some time for the class to accept me , but I'm glad I came into this class . I met people whom became important to me , who are significant in my current life now . Without them , maybe 2012 will really be a rough year for me . This year , I went through many things , cried countless of times , almost gave up many times , but my friends were there for me despite everything . Some almost left me , but didn't in the end . I'm glad for them .

Dedication Post

Classmates :

I'm sorry for being such a bitch , and that I always am the one who is the last to hand up things ( next year also will since I didn't do my holiday homework ) , but I'm glad I came into this class . Knowing that you all did not wanna accept me in the beginning and was dreading my existence In this class was an awful feeling , hope you all accept me now :D , and let's all get good results for o'levels alright ? :) ~

Cheryl :

In this whole year , I became extremely close to you. I went on shoppin sprees with you , everything ! And I'm really so glad you stayed in my life and I'm glad I met you . Your such a sweet girl , keep encouraging me to study , cared for me whenever I'm not feeling well , tolerate my stupidness and bitchiness . I don't wanna disappoint you at all . For instance , going to the dk what fair thing organized at school because you expected me to come , and I know that If I do not come , you will be extremely disappointed . Glad I met you in my life , Love you <3

Stefanie,Shirley,Jamie :

Hi stefanie and Shirley! Remember the drama that we had at the starting of the year ? That was absolutely ridiculously funny . Let's not bother about such things and concentrate more on our O's? :) glad I met you two , because meeting you two brings more laughter into my life . Hi Jamie , remember how we went jogging and slacking ? How we went Bugis together ? :) I miss that . Sorry that I'm not always slacking with you all anymore , I will find some time next year to find you all , I'm really glad I met you and you are a significant person In my life .

Vivian and qiqi :

Hello LOL. Eating mates !? :b let's eat more together muahahaha and eat macdonalds more Tgt after school, especially qiqi ! Bonding session you know :b with me I mean hehe . Let's study hard together and go for study sessions Tgt ? ( even though my study session with Vivian always fail bec I end up sleeping ) . But YOU TEACH ME SCIENCE MAH, and it's the most boring subject ever :b ~ okay we must go out Tgt more often okay?! :)

YunJie :

Hi don't be shocked that you get this muahaha who ask you be in my class ! Let's study hard Tgt ( then u must be thinking ' I got study hard only u never ' ) , but yeah. I like quarreling with you LOL I know it's a stupid thing to say but at least it makes life more interesting ! :b please brush up on your English , I'm not trying to say mine's very good or what , but english's really a very important subject ( you don't say ~~ ) , so good luck okay?


Hello baby <3 , even though we drifted away from each other through this whole year , but I'm still glad I have you in my life . I know that you really want me to study hard , and get good results . It's a rare moment to find a friend like you . Not to mention I love your baking ALOT ! :b all the cheesecakes and cookies . Mmmmmm, feed me until fat already :b ! Will always be there for you if you need me alright ? Love you!

2011 teammates :

Sorry that I'm not as close to you all as before anymore , but I really hope you all pass your o'levels with flying colours and that you all will get into the desires courses that you want! Those significant and unforgettable moments I had with you all in th past few years , I will never ever forget them . Let's meet up more alright ? Without you all in my life , it will just e such a boring life for me , volleyball brought life to me .

2012 teammates :

Only became closer to you all like in the middle of the year ? Because of our age difference muahahaha just joking I feel like you all the age when I'm mixed with you all . Sorry for being such a bitch at times. I love those moments when we have bonding sessions together and when we go out together to know each other more , macdonald sessions , and the laughter you all bring me . Let's try our best to be in the top 4 alright , we can do it , we must have faith in ourselves and prove those who looked down on us wrong . I love you all .

Esmin :

Hello bitch! :b enemies for life ? :x I remember how we once were enemies and seeing each other was like giving the fuck you look and the shooting daggers at each other with our eyes :b but I'm glad I met you . You helped me alot ( I think you know what I mean ) , and thanks for caring for me , for believing in me , for trusting me . I still remember how you ' broke my heart ' , so yeah, sunshines everyday for me ? :b please don't be so sad anymore , just to let you know I will be there for you when you need me alright ? :)

If I miss out anyone , it's not that I don't find you significant in my life , everyone I met this year in my life makes me who I am , and I'm glad to meet everyone of you .

*spot that If there's your photo , you made my 2012 alive*

Prommmm .

Since i have not blogged for a very long time , i shall blog about the few recent activities? starting with the latest , followed by prom photos at the end .

1.Rise of the Guardians
2.Stay at MBS
3.Prommmmm .

im blogging since i suddenly realised training's been postponed to 2 instead of 1 , and i have absolutely nothing to do . *sadlife*

so i went out with this two girls on saturday . It was suppose to be open house , but blame the pig *TADAHHHH* , i cannot wake , so yeah we meet for a movie at Plaza Singapura !

So we watched Rise of the Guardians , and i have absolutely no idea what that movie was about , whether it was cartoon or ..yknw , real people .But overall it was a good movie , definitely a catch if you believe in toothfairy , easter bunny , santa clause , jackfrost(?)

(Frap White Chocolate Mocha)
we wanted to watch the 4plus one , but in the end , its sold out ! So we bought the 6plus one and went to starbucks , whereas the place that we sat was super sunny and there were no more places left to sit .

so i was like spamming photos of avery and i swear this photo is super duper uper cute ! She looks just like a bunny !
(Esmin went to the toilet because she got coffee on her hair , she was too angry . heehee)

Look ! The place we sat was so sunny that i practically looked like a vampire with my purple contacts , red hair , and already white skin .

i hate frizzy hair so muchhhhhh.

so i shared a 11.50 combo with Esmin which has a large popcorn and a drink with a collectable cup , ( which esmin wants because shes so in love with the Easter Bunny)
we were practically cursing her bunny to die in the show because shes so irritating spazzing about her bunny . Heeeehs .

(Hi im a reindeer) so we went to diaso after the movie to play around with the things . Bought a lipbalm for taiwan trip and a eyelash curler thingy ( i forgot what its called )

and avery was like " OUTSIDE GOT CHRISTMAS TREE LETS GO TAKE PHOTO" so we went out and took photos like a tourist ! *smiles*

Avery has such bad photography skills . heehe .

i wanted to use z tripod stand because i wanted a clear photo of the three of us together , but both of them said i was crazy ... so yeah , seperate photos !

My ootd ! (outfit of the day) in case anyone doesnt know whats the meaning of it .


So the day after prom , i went to stay at MBS ( Marina Bay Sands ) to celebrate my grandfather's birthday .
( i have z discount because my aunt works at the casino ) ,so yeah theres staff price . To those that wanna stay there for a night or so , it costs around $500?

My parents insisted on having a beautiful view from our hotel room so yeah , 24 floor ! ( we stayed here before and we got like .... 6floor?! so my mum was super unhappy ) the view of the Garden By The Bay , practically beautiful and since theres a balcony ,we can like go out and stare at the view . ( i stared at the view until i dont wanna go into the hotel room anymore its so breathtaking )

What its like at night . So pretty !

the left side of GBTB

before that we went up to skypark , yayy swimming . Kay not so fond of swimming ( now yall know why im so white) , but yeah my mum dragged me up .

and it started to have lightning and thunder . Look at the top right of the photo ! A lightning ! And i took it using just a Olympus camera instead of a DSLR or anything ! *tadahhhhhhhh* ! im so proud of myself . heeehs .

At night , two tables of this came in , the other table having a fruit basket instead . So we had like 2 birthday cakes . *lesigh* , and knowing that im super fond of food and red wine , they forced the everything on me.

dont you just hate it when people assume you are drunk because your face's red , when in actual fact you arent ? oh and if anyone's wondering why im always taking photo using the front camera , its because my back camera's spoilt .

happy birthday ! <3 , please live to a ripe old age okayy .

My bro , me , dad , mum , aunt , uncle , aunt , grandfather , cousin , aunt . heehes . we took it using a tripod stand . and my uncle was super shocked that the photo's succeed . idk why . HAAH .

Anyone loves my brother more then me ?! NO . !

End off with this ugly and blur ootd of me .


Finally ... PROMMMMM .
i was looking forward to it because ... ( only my close friends know my motive in going there . LOL  , AND I SUCCEEDED OKAY I NEEDA CHILL )

This prom entry is gonna have plenty of photos so .... yeah .

we just went to vivian's house in our normal clothes to prepare for prom .

some were eating , some were making hair ...
ME ? im taking photos and yeah using vivian's com to play audition . *smiles*

look at the two girls preparing while im like .... done .
dont blame me hehes i did practically like no makeup at all except for foundation and some blusher .

lucky my hair colour makes me look more nicer instead of plain old ugly girl .

vivian the cute girl . heehe , i was like bending down looking at her then she suddenly stared at me , stunned . i was like ... what ? and shes like ' you really very pretty ' .. awww , flattered . LOL kay stop this thickskin part and lets continue .

stefanie ! shes like so tall urgh im so jealous .

My one and only darling love .. CHERYL ! Shes like so sexy lahh . she took the longest to do the makeup *exposed*

we two were bored and the others were doing things so we took our tripod stand and took photos of us . <3

beauty pageant in progress . kay the fact is ,,,,, camera's too small to fit all of us so we had to slant . LOL.

so we took photos of us while waiting for cab , and theres like tiko bangla taking photos of us . -.- , so we ran under the block .

in the maxi cab , facing each other . People who wanna book cab in future for 7 seater , its $60 ( INCLUSIVE of booking cab )

and yeah the cab person was talking to cheryl on the phone and the driver called cheryl babe on the phone . heehe so we saw the cab person and we were like teasing cheryl .

we were facing them

everyone started taking photos of themselves so yeah ....... LOL .

evidence ! hehes .

so we arrived there and it was super awkward so we keep going to the toilet . and the first teacher we took photo with was with ....... JANGJANGJANGJANG DRUMROLLS PLEASE . with Miss Polina ! Shes a beauty !

Sonia ! So glad to see her !

Jingyee's so pretty !

So raina had a hectic day taking photos that when i told her i wanna take a photo with her she freaked out . LOL .

Pig Mr Bey !

Miss Chia ! Shes leaving so im gonna miss her so much ..

Vanessa ! sorry the photo's blurry . <3

SzeMin !

RuiJia !!


So i was sitting beside this guy the whole night . LOL . And he won a polaroid , that pissed me off , i still have to teach him how to use . LOL . Why i so angry ?! because i was like waving my movie tickets in his face when i won it . ZZZZZZ.

Kokseng ! urgh i look so ugly .

Bryan ! Red hair FTW !

Darren !

Joel Lai ! he grew taller !

Wesley Chua ! Grats on being Prom king and happy belated birthday !

Such a funny guy !

Pretty Wanyan !

Fabrianne !

Esmin !

Table people before Ice and Kimkiong joined .

Handsome ! he dress like going wedding like that .

His stupid face ! Ice !

Short boy ! :)

Handsome and tall guy ! urgh his voice is so .... :$ ,

Some photos before we end this super long post .

Okay gtg im gonna be late for training already took 45 mins on this post opps BYE .