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Went to Far East alone on a Saturday to so my nails. 
Opted for gelish express so I hoped that it can last for a longer period of time, even though I'm going for volleyball later. 
Went to Saveur to eat after meeting my mum. 
Reasonable price of $12.50 ( w/o GST yet ) but it's literally one of the tastiest duck I've ever eaten.
Mummy Lim. 
Astons with my family after going to the temple to thank 'KongZi' for my good grades. 
Anyways I recently bought two books again after completing ' the red chamber ' , been quite interested in the history nowadays compared to fictional books. Thanks for the company motivator Ong who went through torture in the popular surrounded by books. 😂 

LaLa and Stingray from Satay Club. Awesome. 
And pepper lunch. 
( sorry if anyone sees my blog with an empty starving stomach ) 
This was what the achool's system generated for me, stating the potential of us getting what for our O's I guess. Even though I dropped A Math, I'm glad that most of my subjects got better grades than this ( except for my science of course ) , and I really hope that I can get into at least my second choice, because it's the only course I'm truly interested in. 
Abrupt ending. Goodbye 

Run For Your Lives Asia

A late post about it but we all had our first run together; Run For Your Lives Asia
It was somehow a memorable yet tiring event ( because the time we went it was literally dehydrating us due to the weather ) 
I had tuna sandwich in the morning for my brunch at City Hall. How did I even wake for it was so amazing because I am definitely not a morning person. 
I look like I was dying ( oh wait I was half dead ) 
A bus with zombie people getting off their designated places. 
Anyways they applied chocolate on our face for the make up. Mine was so mild I just look like a hoboish kid who did not know how to eat chocolate properly. HAHA
So our job was to snatch away the red tags the runner had on them to somehow infect them. Ours was the last checkpoint so many runners did not have any tags left. Plus I was quite pissed off with some runners because they placed their tags at places which were so difficult to take, like for example, their butt. So I grabbed many people's butt that day. Plus some even hid their tags by rolling it up. What fun was there left man. 
And when it ended we went back to washup, I could not help but just rushing to the open shower. So we were like literally rinsing ourselves in public and under the rain. ( bucketlist bathing under the rain ) HAHA. 
We got the very comfortable shirt from the goodie bag. 
Everyone headed to my house to washup and tadahhhh, pornsak and pool for the night.
Abruptly ending this bye HAHA


Yesterday marks the end of my Secondary School life. Collecting my results was one of the most stressed feelings I could have ever felt. 
Seeing faces of the most improved student award and not seeing mine up there just added on to my stress level because my Prelims were really bad, with the highest grade of only a C5, which only meant that if I did not improve drastically, I did real badly for O's. Plus throughout my whole 5 years, the highest grade I got was only a B4, and it was only recently during Prelims. * stress level x100000000% * 
Ended up I did not bad at all, just that some subjects were not up to my expectations. 
Staying an extra one more year to cope with my studies and catch up with what I had missed out on was indeed worth it. Nevertheless, I'm glad that most of my classmates did well, and that my girl got satisfactory results. 
Did not want this to be a naggy long winded post but I would really like to thank all of my teachers ( even though they won't see this ) that did not give up on me despite me giving up on myself, always encouraging me and assuring me.  
Felt like I let down some of my teachers though, especially science and English. 
Really wanted to kill those people who scared me into thinkin that if I fail science I could not go to anywhere though because it's bullshit and I believed that bullshit for months and I got really stressed over it. 
To those who did not get your desired results, please understand that this is not the end of your route. Every new day leads to a new direction, and with hope, dreams may turn into realities. You may have lost to this battle, but you may win in the upcoming ones. 


Anyways I bought a new book. So far I'm gonna rate it 8/10 but I'm not completed with it yet so yeah. 

Shall add on some photos I took when I went to USS to make the post less dull.
Guess I shall blog about food & some other random stuff the next time ( if I'm
Not lazy & I remember to ) 
Goodbye. :) 


It's 2014.
2013 had been a hectic roller coaster ride, having heartbreaks, major exams, friendship problems, the normal standard teenager problems. Glad I got through it ( not very strongly ) and I'm looking forward to a new year. 
2013 seemed short, but actually if I recap what happened during that whole year, it seemed long. Many tend to feel that the year pass by quickly because they never tend to think back on what happened throughout the whole year. 
Not to mention, the first four months of 2013 were the few most wasted months I had ever spent, and also regretted, followed by the mugging of O's and stressing over it every single day, crying myself to sleep at times for no particular reason. Glad I have some people to go through it with me and I'm proud and blessed to have them. 
Anyways, this was my first year celebrating Christmas! 
Treated my parents to a Japanese buffet. 
I fell sick and had a high temperature before Christmas, thank goodness my mum did the traditional method to help in lowering body's temperature, otherwise my Christmas would have been ruined. 

Anyways, celebrated Christmas with my girl and the guys on the 28th. Went ice skating and ate our LogCake. 
And we also ate Itacho Sushi( one of our Favourite places for Japanese cuisine ) 
And my girl got me these for Christmas. Love the customized necklace because it has my English name. 

Went for countdown with my Favourite people, went to eat at beavers before that. 
I know I know this post is literally a food post my stomach is rumbling looking at these food myself I swear hahahah. 

Not to mention, even though i regretted many things I did, and the events that occurred, i'm glad they occurred, because they are just events that made me realise how dumb I was.
Taking this opportunity, I want to thank the people that's been with me, especially my girl who was there to pull me up when I fell, my crazy fatty who listened to my nonsense when I was down, and the guys & my bro that brighten up my life, taking my mind off miserable stuffs.
Proud to say that I spent the last day of my 2013 with a smile and also started it with my love ones.

Happy New Year!

Adding on to it, many asked me why did I get a tattoo and why that quote. Some told me I will definitely regret what I did but I know I won't. 
In 2013, I went through major changes. I received comments stating that I'm fat from both strangers and people I know. I was fat in the past, but hearing these comments made me feel so inferior. I stopped eating like how I usually did and when I do eat a lot I feel so guilty. No one even my girl knew that I was getting weaker. ( the reason why I fall sick so easily nowadays ) But something happened that made me realize that I should maintain a proper image not for the sake of others, but for myself. If people do love me, they will respect me for who I am. 

Getting this tattoo teaches me to remind myself not to change just for the sake of others, but myself, because the fact is that it's my body, not theirs.